Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Journal #17

If I could visit any place in the World,I would like to go to North pole. Because in North pole the geography, biology and weather are total different from our living enviroment. First, I wanna see glacier. Because I always see the glacier which made many amazing geography of earth on TV. Glaciers must have great power and be gorgeous. And also I want to experience to stand, run, and lie on the glaciers. I think it's will be funny. Second, there are some special animal in North pole like penguin, polar bear...Although I can see them in zoo, seeing them in North pole must be shaked to me and I want to know how they can live in this kind of cruel enviroment. Final, the weather in North pole must be pretty cold. I want to experience the weather which is coldest in the world. Furthermore, I heared that I can see the galaxy on the sky in the North pole. I really want to see this amazing view. This is why if I could visit any place in the world, I would like to go to North pole.

1 comment:

leinster said...

Instead of assuming, maybe next time you could explain what glaciers are, what types of animals you can find there, and what type of weather one must expect.